Sound Balancing with Tuning Forks
60-mins session
Service Description
Recalibrate with Tuning Forks Reset to your natural rhythms! Please note: this service is not available for those who have pacemakers, are pregnant or are currently undergoing cancer treatment. We carry a history in our bodies and in our biofields. The sound locates tangles/knots and then it liberates the energy. As humans, we often have habitual patterns that are no longer serving us. Yes, it is hard for us to let them go – but sound balancing through this process can help us do just that. This is not just about trauma, this process also increases overall performance for adults, athletes - for anyone looking to achieve an optimal state. The diseases of our time such as lime, lupus, chronic fatigue, weak digestion, autoimmune, adrenal stress are all about a low battery – meaning people are discharging more than they are recharging. We don’t need supplements and mountains of kale when we use sound on a regular basis to increase our voltage. Sound falls upwards – which means it adds lift and current into our system in a fast, easy, and non-invasive way. Ultimately love is what we are seeking, but there is a lot of stuff in the way and through this sound balancing work we untangle energy so love can easily flow to and through you. We don't eradicate, we circulate! We don't erase. we embrace... Energy is not good or bad, it is inherently neutral. Energy is not removed from your history just as memories are not removed from your mind. Instead, we untangle it, bring it back to the mid-line, and it circulates back into the body. However, after a sound balancing with tuning forks session your body will reference the trauma or formally stuck energy in a different way. Sessions are approximately 60 minutes
Cancellation Policy
Sessions must be cancelled 24 hours in advance or earlier in order to receive a refund or to reschedule.
Contact Details
5190 Cline Rd, Kent, OH, USA