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Access Bars Workshop: Releasing Thought Patterns


Don't set out to fight or fix reality
Instead, ALLOW a different reality

Allow a world of greater choices
Allow greater possibilities to take hold and thrive
Allow a more authentic and empowered you
Create by design, not by default

Access Bars are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that stop you from creating a life you love.


During this 90-minute workshop, we will explore the significance of these 32 points for educational purposes. We help you get comfortably set up in a reclined position (supported fish pose or modified variation) and begin with grounding breath work. You will then be taken on a journey with your Access Bars guides.


An Access Bars session will leave you with a more peaceful mind, improved outlook on life, stress relief and increased energy and creativity.



Maximum of 10 students

Minimum of 2 Access Bars Practitioners



Please note before committing to the class: Fees are non-refundable but can be used towards another class if cancelled by the student within 48 hours.

Access Bars Workshop

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